You’ll probably obtain a manufacturer’s warranty for the materials and a workmanship warranty from your contractor when you get a new roof done. Should the need arise, these roof guarantees will assist in covering the expenses of roof maintenance and repairs. Roof warranties differ in terms of length, transferability, and coverage exclusions.

All of this being said, warranties do have limitations.The answer to whether your roof repair or replacement is covered depends on a few criteria. Next Level Roofers, one of the top flat roof contractors in the area, shares the six actions that can invalidate or void your roofing warranties.
1. Installing a New Roof Over the Old One
This method is not something that a reputable contractor would recommend or carry out. It claims to save you money and time, but your new roof is less likely to last long. Without a tear-off, you can’t know for sure if there’s moisture or rot underneath the old shingles. Plus, the roof structure will also have to withstand twice as much weight as it was designed to.
2. DIY Repairs
Care and maintenance carried out by residential roofing services providers is imperative. If you choose unqualified roofers, your roofing system’s health and performance are put at risk. Because of this, most warranties stipulate that any roof work must be performed by a qualified professional; otherwise, your warranty would be rendered void.
3. Ignoring Roof and Attic Ventilation
Excess heat inside the attic is usually caused by insufficient airflow, baking the shingles, and shortening their lifespan. In the winter, it can also generate ice dams, resulting in water damage. The manufacturer’s warranty may not cover damage caused by a lack of ventilation on your roof.
4. Cleaning Mistakes
A mossy roof might be dangerous, so talk to your contractor about how to properly clean it. They can give you recommendations for non-harmful products. It’s not a good idea to have a roof with stiff bristles. Pressure washers aren’t recommended as well. Using hazardous chemicals or equipment on your roof can cause damage and may void your warranty.
5. Unrecorded Roofing Fixes
Certain additions or changes to your roof are prohibited under roofing warranties. Before you install a skylight or a gutter system, make sure to ask your contractor if the project satisfies the conditions stated in your warranty.
Next Level Roofers is a premier source of top-rated residential roofing services, including new construction roof installation, roof replacement, and roof inspections. Give us a call at (407) 993-6139 or fill out our convenient online form to speak with one of our team members.